
Thanks for Making It This Far!

Here’s where we’ve been together:

  • You’ve seen how a 1-page linear schedule can effectively communicate your plan to a wide variety of audiences.
  • You’ve seen how this method can be applied to all sorts of projects where location of the work is key.
  • And you’ve learned how to maintain your linear schedule during construction, when the rubber meets the road.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this guide.

But more importantly, we hope you’ll do something with it.

Is there an app that creates linear schedules?

We thought you’d never ask.

There are a few products out there. Some are extremely powerful and sophisticated, and can practically cook you breakfast if you can get past the steep learning curve.

We’re taking a different approach; developing an app that’s easy to use by non-schedulers and runs right in Microsoft Excel, which most of you already use every day. If that sounds interesting to you, visit to learn more.

Create something your entire team will love!